29. “Vocom to Discuss Fashion Designing,” Stanford Daily,
30. “‘Rounded Education’ Favored,” Stanford Daily, 28/11/1945.
31. “Wrenn Advises Job-seeking ‘500,’” Stanford Daily, 17/02/1932.
32. “Vocom Aids.”
33. “Vocom Gives Students Aid Through Files,” Stanford Daily,
34. “Majors Will Be Subject,” Stanford Daily, 22/05/1951.
35. “Farouk Dey Is New CDC Head,” Stanford Daily, 16/01/2013.
36. “‘Vision 2020’ Re-Envisions Career Services Model,” Stanford
Daily, 01/11/2013.
37. “Career Development Center Renamed BEAM,” Stanford Daily,
38. Farouk Dey, “Our Name Story,” không đề thời gian, Stanford
Career Education, https://beam.stanford.edu/about-us/our- name-
story, truy cập ngày 07/01/2017.
39. “Q & A: Farouk Dey,” Stanford Daily, 21/05/2013; “Stanford
BEAM Celebrates Name Change with BEAM Connection Event,”
Stanford Daily, 15/01/2016.
40. “Stanford’s Most Popular Class Isn’t Computer Science – It’s
Something Much More Important,” Fast Company, 26/03/2015.
41. “Designing Your Life, ME104B,” chương trình học, gắn nhãn
“v5”, không đề thời gian, http://web.stanford.edu/class/ me104b/cgi-
bin/uploads/Syllabus-Designing-Your-Life- ME104B-v5.pdf, khôi
phục lần đầu vào ngày 10/11/2015.
42. “Forum Plans.”