Chú thích
Giới thiệu
1. Daniel Augustus Tompkins, Cotton Mill, Commercial Features: A
TextBook for the Use of Textile Schools and Investors (n.p.:
Forgotten Books, 2015), 189.
2. Allen Tullos, Habits of Industry: White Culture and the
Transformation of the Carolina Piedmont (Chươngel Hill: University
of North Carolina Press, 1989), 143.
3. “A Standard Time Achieved, Railroads in the 1880s,” American-, được truy cập vào 08/09/2017, http://www.american-
4. Piedmont Air-Line System (1882), “Piedmont Air- Line System
(advertisement),” J. H. Chataigne, được tìm kiếm vào 09/08/2017.
5. Pietra Rivoli, The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An
Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World
Trade, tái bản lần hai. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2015), 100.
6. Alexandra Harney, The China Price: The True Cost of Chinese
Competitive Advantage (New York: Penguin Press, 2009), chương
7. “Piedmont Manufacturing Company (Designation Withdrawn) |
National Historic Landmarks Program,” National Parks Service,
được truy cập vào 09/08/2017,
8. “Oral History,” The Greenville Textile Heritage Society,được truy
cập vào 02/03/2018, http://greenvil le-textile-heritage-