(Nguyễn Hiến Lê dịch)

The Hall of Idleness

I’m too lazy to read the Taoist classics, for Tao doesn t reside in the books;
Too lazy to look over the sutras, for they go no deeper in Tao than its looks.
The essence of Tao consists in a void, clear, and cool.
But what is this void except being the whole day like a fool?
Too lazy am I to read poetry, for when I stop, the poetry will be gone;
Too lazy to play on the ch in, for music dies on the string where it s born;
Too lazy to drink wine, for beyond the drunkard s dream there are rivers
and lakes;
Too lazy to pky chess, for besides the pawns there are other stakes;
Too lazy to look at the hills and streams, for there is a painting within my
heart s portals;
Too lazy to face the wind and the moon, for within me is the Isle of the
Too lazy to attend to worldly affairs, for inside me are my hut and my
Too lazy to watch the changing of the seasons, for within me are heavenly
Pine trees may decay and rocks may rot; but I shall always remain what I
Is it not fitting that I call this the Hall of Idleness?

(Lâm Ngữ Đường dịch)


. Bài thơ của Chu


Theo Lâm Ngữ Đường thì “mớ tọc bạc cũng có vẻ đẹp của nó”, đừng cố

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