− Mary Midgeley: Beast and Man: The Roots of Human Nature,
London, Methuen, 1980.
− Philip Kitcher: Vaulting Ambition: Sociobiology and the Quest for
Human Nature, Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press, 1985.
Tâm lý học tiến hóa (Evolutionary Psychology):
− Robert Wright: The Moral Animal: Evolutionary Psychology and
Everyday Life, N.Y., Random House, 1994.
− Steven Pinker: How the Mind Works, N.Y., W.W. Norton, 1997.
− S.Pinker: The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature,
N.Y., Viking, 2002.
− The Santa Barbara school’s manifesto: trong The Adapted Mind:
Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture, ed. by J.H.
Barkow, L. Cosmides and J. Tooby, N.Y., Oxford University Press,
− David M. Buss: Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the
Mind, N.Y., Pearson, 2011.
− Luise Barrett, Robin Dunbar and John Lycett: Human
Evolutionary Psychology, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2002.
− K.L. Laland and G.R. Brown: Sense or Nonsense: Evolutionary
Perspectives on Human Behaviour, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
− Robin Dunbar and Louise Barrett (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of
Evolutionary Psychology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007.
Các vấn đề triết học về Tâm lý học tiến hóa (Philosophical Issues
arising from Evolutionary Psychology):
− Anthony O’Hear: Beyond Evolution: Human Nature and the
Limits of Evolutionary Explanation, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
− Janet Radcliffe Richards: Human Nature after Darwin: A
Philosophical Introduction, London, Routledge, 2000.