tạo nhiều thiện nghiệp, phải giữ giới tránh các điều ác,
phải giúp đỡ, cúng dường, bố thí rất nhiều.
The Buddhists often practice meditation in
search for a peaceful mind. They think that once they
get into an absolutely peaceful mind, they will be
enlightened sublimely. But Sakiya Muni has taught
that there are many conditions for good meditation.
One of them is a moral life. They have to make many
good deeds, get away from the evil actions, helping
others, make offerings, and do giving alms a lot.
Rõ ràng các bậc thánh đều khuyến khích đời sống
đạo đức để làm đường dẫn vào nội tâm thanh tịnh an
It is clear that, all saints encourage a moral life to
make the path leading to pure inner peace.