Những câu hỏi thường gặp về Linux

X Window System


Linux có hỗ trợ X không?


Yes. Linux uses XFree86 (the current version is 4.0, which is based on X11R6). You need to have a

video card which is supported bởi XFree86. See the XFree86 HOWTO for more details.

Most Linux những bản phân phối nowadays come with an X installation. However, you can install or
upgrade your own, from ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/X11/Xfree86-* và its mirror sites, or from



Làm thế nào để X Window System hoạt động


The answers to this question can, và do, fill entire books. If the installation program wasn’t able to

configure the X server correctly, Linux will most likely try to start the X display, fail, và drop back into
text-only terminal mode.

First và foremost, make certain that you have provided, as closely as possible, the correct information to
the installation program of your video hardware: the video card và monitor. Some installation programs
can correctly guess a “least common denominator” screen configuration, like a 640-by-480
VESA-standard display, but there are many possible video hardware configurations that may not be able
to display this standard.

The X Window System configuration file is called (usually) [/etc/XF86Config], [/etc/X11/XF86Config],
or [/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config].

If you need to manually configure the X server, there are several possible methods:

Try to use the XF86Setup program, which can help identify the correct X server và monitor timings
for the video hardware.

Make sure that the X server has the correct options. If you log in as the superuser, you should be able
to use

X --probeonly

to get a listing of the video card chipset, memory, và any special graphics

features. Also, refer to the manual page for the X server. (v.d.;

man X

), và try running the X server và

redirecting the standard error output to a file so you can determine, after you can view text on the
screen again, what error messages the server is generating; v.d.,

X 2>x.error


With that information, you should be able to safely refer to one of the references provided bởi the
Linux Documentation Project. ("Where can I get the HOWTO’s và other documentation? ") There are
several HOWTO’s on the subject, including a HOWTO to calculate video timings manually if
necessary. Also, the Installation và Getting Started guide has a chapter with a step-by-step guide to
writing a [XF86Config] file.

Also, make sure that the problem really is an incorrect [XF86Config] file, not something else like the
window manager failing to start. If the X server is working correctly, you should be able to move the
mouse cursor on the screen, và pressing Ctrl-Alt-Backspace will shut down the X server và return to
the shell prompt in one of the virtual terminals.


Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

** Đây là liên kết chia sẻ bới cộng đồng người dùng, chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm gì về nội dung của các thông tin này. Nếu có liên kết nào không phù hợp xin hãy báo cho admin.