Những câu hỏi thường gặp về Linux
H: xterm
Logins Show Up Strangely in who, finger
The xterm that comes with XFree86 2.1 và earlier doesn’t correctly understand the format that Linux
uses for the
file, where the system records who is logged in. It therefore doesn’t set all
the information correctly.
The xterms in XFree86 3.1 và later versions fix this problem.
Làm thế nào để khởi động X Client trên Display khác
To start a X client on another system that has a running X server, use the following commands:
Use xhost on the server system to allow the client system use the display. If the server’s IP address is, enter the command:
$ xhost +
On the client system, open a telnet connection to the server system.
In the telnet session, start a xterm in the background with the
options. For example,
if the IP address of the machine running the server is và the client program name is
named “clientapp,” use the following command:
$ xterm -display -e clientapp &
Pierre Dal Farra
Tìm trợ giúp sâu hơn như thế nào
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