Teachings From Ancient Vietnamese Zen Masters – 24
6 Watchful
Watch yourself everyday, constantly.
Watch yourself, be mindful, be alert.
In this dream world, don’t search for Dharma counselor;
Watch yourself, and see the Buddha’s face on your face.
HUONG HAI (1628 – 1715)
(COMMENT: Watch yourself, and see you are impermanent, non-self.
Watch yourself, and see whether you are living in a dream. You are
changing swiftly, endlessly. Yesterday, you had millions of different
bodies, millions of different feelings, millions of different thoughts – just
like a stream flowing swiftly. Look back and see all those bodies,
feelings, and thoughts just like dreams, like echoes, like mirages. Then
look at the day before yesterday. Do you feel just like millions of lives
away? Are those dreams? Think nothing, just observe. Just be alert, feel
the breath, observe the body breathing. And feel the life and death
flowing swiftly, endlessly in your whole body.)