Teachings From Ancient Vietnamese Zen Masters – 92
39 Echo in Sky
Like wind whistling in the cypress trees,
the underwater moon shines bright.
It has neither shadow nor shape.
Existence is just like that;
Emptiness, an echo in sky.
MINH TRI (? – 1196)
(COMMENT: The moon is a symbol of the mind. Just like the moon
shining bright and helping us see all things, but the mind is not a thing
you can point at; the mind has neither shadow nor shape. Existence is
the mind manifesting; its true nature is the emptiness. How can you
realize the true nature? Can you hear the sound of a pebble hitting a
wall? That sound is the mind manifesting. Can you see a banner waving
in the wind? The mind is flapping. Breathe in and out gently, be alert,
and watch the mind.)