Teachings From Ancient Vietnamese Zen Masters – 96
41 At Home
Having neither face nor color,
The Way begins anew everyday.
Look at all the worlds outside:
You are at home everywhere.
THUONG CHIEU (? – 1203)
(COMMENT: Just like a mirror, the mind is shining bright, showing all
things, and helping you to see the birds flying and hear them singing.
Just like a mirror, the mind is luminous, and has neither face nor color.
The Way is simple: just like making a mirror free from dust, liberate the
mind from the three poisons – desire, hatred and ignorance.
A clean mirror calmly reflects, doesn’t hold anything; a liberated mind
calmly reflects, doesn’t cling to anything. So, a liberated mind is always
anew. Look around, see the birds flying, and hear them singing. Is your
mind manifesting as the images of birds flying, and the sound of birds
singing? Look around: are you at home now?)