H Tiêu hóa
Map 3.5 B nh trào ngư c d dày th c qu n (GORD)
Đi u tr
B o t n: giáo d c s c kh e, gi m cân, n m
đ u cao khi ng và tránh các y u t thu n l i như
hút thu c, ăn quá no.
N i khoa:
Trung hòa acid, e.g. aluminium hydroxide.
Thu c c ch receptor H2, e.g. ranitidine.
Thu c c ch bơm proton, e.g. omeprazole.
Ngo i khoa: Ph u thu t Nissen’s
fundoplication (tái t o phình v )
Genetic inheritance of
angle of lower
oesophageal sphincter.
Sliding hiatus hernia.
Rolling hiatus hernia.
Risk factors
Excessive alcohol.
Excessive coffee.
Drugs, e.g. calcium channel
blockers, antimuscarinics and
tricyclic antidepressants.
Age dependent:
If the patient is <55 years old:
Proceed to treatment unless
they have ALARM symptoms,
e.g. unintentional weight loss,
dysphagia, haematemesis,
melaena and anorexia.
If >55 years old:
Send patient to endoscopy:
diagnostic and allows for biopsy.
24-h pH monitoring.
Bi n ch ng: Barrett th c qu n
Barrett th c qu n là gì?
Là quá trình d s n c a l p bi u mô v y
ph n dư i c a th c qu n thành bi u mô
tr . Thư ng g p b nh nhân GORD sau
vài năm. Là m t d ng t n thương ti n
ung thư.
C n lâm sàng
N i soi có sinh thi t c 4 góc ph n tư
Đi u tr
Đ t b ng sóng cao t n (RFA) b ng h
th ng HALO ho c c t b ph n niêm m c lo n
s n n ng
Bi n ch ng
Ung thư bi u mô tuy n th c qu n
What is GORD?
This is abnormal reflux where acid from the stomach
refluxes into the oesophagus subsequently damaging
the squamous oesophageal lining, causing discomfort.
Signs and symptoms
Heartburn – pain is worse in certain positions, e.g. lying
down/stooping and is worse after heavy meals.
Acid taste in mouth.
Water brash (excess salivation).
Nocturnal asthma/chronic cough.
MAP 3.5 Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD)
Chapter_03.indd 43
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