H Tiêu hóa
Map 3.8 Ung thư đ i tr c tràng (CRC)
What is CRC?
This is cancer of the colon and rectum and is the third most common malignancy.
Usually adenocarcinoma on histology.
Signs and symptoms
Abdominal pain.
Unintentional weight loss.
Altered bowel habit.
Faecal occult blood.
Multifactorial and often unknown. There are risk factors that may predispose an
individual to develop CRC (see risk factor box).
Bowel Cancer Screening Programme: faecal occult blood test in men and women
aged 60–69 years.
Bloods: FBC for iron deficiency anaemia and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
tumour marker.
Endoscopy: colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy.
Imaging: double contrast barium enema study ‘apple core’ sign; virtual colonoscopy.
Depends on the extent of disease. This is assessed using Dukes staging system or
TNM system.
Conservative: patient education and referral to Macmillan nurses.
N i khoa: hóa tr (oxaliplatin, folinic acid và 5-fluorouracil là ch đ
đi u tr ph bi n nh t); x tr cũng có th đư c s d ng
Ph u thu t: ph u thu t c t u thư ng là đi u tr theo l a ch n.
Bi n ch ng
T c ru t và di căn.
Risk factors
Increased age.
Family history of CRC.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Streptococcus bovis bacteraemia.
Congenital polyposis syndromes:
Juvenile polyposis syndrome:
– Autosomal dominant but it may occur spontaneously.
– Not malignant.
Peutz–Jeghers syndrome:
– Autosomal dominant.
– Increases risk of CRC.
– Melanosis is present on the oral mucosa.
Genetic predisposition:
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP):
– Autosomal dominant.
– Mutation of APC gene on chromosome 5.
– 100% lead to CRC.
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC):
– Autosomal dominant.
– Mutation of DNA mismatch repair gene.
Giai đo n
Mô t
T l s ng sau 5 năm
Gi i h n
l p cơ niêm
Xâm l n qua
l p cơ niêm
Di căn h ch
H th ng phân đ Duke
H th ng TNM
Tis – Ung thư t i ch
T1 – Xâm l n l p dư i niêm
T2 – Xâm l n l p cơ niêm
T3 – Xâm l n l p dư i thanh m c nhưng các cơ quan khác chưa b thâm
nh p
T4 – Các cơ quan lân c n b xâm l n
N1 – Di căn 1–3 h ch vùng
N2 – Di căn ≥4 h ch vùng
M0 –
Không di căn xa
M1 – Có di căn xa
MAP 3.8 Ung thư đ i tr c tràng (CRC)
Chapter_03.indd 49
08/12/14 2:30 PM
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