Tạp chí

Kinh tế - Kỹ thuật

phẩm mới, quy trình sản xuất mới và công nghệ mới, tập trung đầu tư cho nghiên cứu phát triển,

nhận thức tầm quan trọng của đổi mới và tri thức từ bên ngoài do chuyển giao công nghệ từ môi

trường bên ngoài trong bối cảnh hội nhập.

1. Alasadi, R., & Al Sabbagh, H. (2015). The role of training in small business performance.

International Journal of Information, Business and Management, 7(1), 293-311.

2. Athukorala, P. C. (2009). Economic transition and export performance in Vietnam. ASEAN

Economic Bulletin, 26(1), 96-114, doi:10.1355/ae26-1g.

3. Aw, B. Y., Roberts, M. J., & Xu, D. Y. (2008). R&D investments, exporting, and the evolution of

firm productivity. The American Economic Review, 98(2), 451-456.

4. Aw, B. Y., Roberts, M. J., & Yi Xu, D. (2011). R&D investment, exporting, and productivity

dynamics. The American Economic Review, 101(4), 1312-1344.

5. Baldwin, J. R., & Gu, W. (2003). Export-market participation and productivity performance in

Canadian manufacturing. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d’économique,

36(3), 634-657.

6. Barboni, J., Ferrari, N., Melgarejo, H., & Peluffo, A. (2015). Exports and productivity: does

destination matter? Revista de Economía y Estadística, 50(1), 25-58.

7. Bernard, A. B., Jensen, J. B., & Lawrence, R. Z. (1995). Exporters, jobs, and wages in US

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8. Bigsten, A., Collier, P., Dercon, S., Fafchamps, M., Gauthier, B., Gunning, J. W., et al. (2000).

Exports and firm-level efficiency in African manufacturing: École des hautes études commerciales,

Centre d’études en administration internationale.

9. Bigsten, A., & Gebreeyesus, M. (2009). Firm productivity and exports: Evidence from Ethiopian

manufacturing. The Journal of Development Studies, 45(10), 1594-1614.

10. Boermans, M. A. (2013). Learning-by-exporting and destination effects: Evidence from african

smes. Applied Econometrics and International Development, 13(2), 155-173.

11. Chevalier, A., Harmon, C., Walker, I., & Zhu, Y. (2004). Does education raise productivity, or just

reflect it? The Economic Journal, 114(499), F499-F517, doi:10.1111/j.1468-0297.2004.00256.x.

12. Clerides, S. K., Lach, S., & Tybout, J. R. (1998). Is learning by exporting important? Micro-

dynamic evidence from Colombia, Mexico, and Morocco. The Quarterly Journal of Economics,

113(3), 903-947.

13. Damijan, J. P., Polanec, S., & Prašnikar, J. (2004). Self-selection, export market heterogeneity and

productivity improvements: Firm level evidence from Slovenia. 148: LICOS Centre for Institutions

and Economic Performance.

14. De Loecker, J. (2007). Do exports generate higher productivity? Evidence from Slovenia. Journal

for International Economics, 73(1), 69-98.

15. Delgado, M. A., Farinas, J. C., & Ruano, S. (2002). Firm productivity and export markets: a non-

parametric approach. The Journal of International Economics, 57(2), 397-422.

16. Eliasson, K., Hansson, P., & Lindvert, M. (2012). Do firms learn by exporting or learn to export?

Evidence from small and medium-sized enterprises. Small Business Economics, 39(2), 453-472.

17. Gashi, P., Hashi, I., & Pugh, G. (2014). Export behaviour of SMEs in transition countries. Small

Business Economics, 42(2), 407-435.

18. Granér, M., & Isaksson, A. (2009). Firm effciency and the destination of exports: Evidence from

Kenyan plant - level data. The Developing Economies, 47(3), 279-306.

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