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From the above definitions, the authors argue that those with Entrepreneurial Implemental

mindsets are more likely to be aware, closer to the goals that have driven their earlier entrepreneurship

with detailed and specific entrepreneurship plans.

Entrepreneurial perceived
A business opportunity is often defined as a future situation that is considered attractive

and feasible (Stevenson & Jarillo, 2007). Desirability refers to cognitive value or attraction of

opportunity (eg, high potential profit opportunity is appreciated as desirable). Feasibility refers to

performance or difficulty of opportunity.

Event Entrepreneur model (Krueger et al, 2000) starts when an individual discovers an

entrepreneurial opportunity that they deem feasible and desirable. However, in order to change

into a start-up action, it is necessary to have the influence of push factors such as: losing a job,

dissatisfaction with the current job ... or dragging on to find a good partner or support financial

aid ... Lack of one of the two components, individuals will have difficulty planning and act in the


The relationship between entrepreneurial implemental mindsets and entrepreneurial

implementation intentions

The Entrepreneurial goal are more successful when combined with intentional actions

(Gollwitzer & Brandstätter, 1997). Because it creates a close connection between the signals and

the behavior in memory and purpose, it increases the mental accessibility so that it causes action

(Gollwitzer, 1993). However, when, how do you intend to act effectively in leading the action,

especially when goals can be achieved through actions, or for a relatively complex behavioral

model Mathisen & Arnulf (2013) argues that implemental mindsets increases the likelihood of

action and its effectiveness does not diminish over time and that implemental mindsets can also

help solve it effectively, anxiety and negative emotions (Mathisen & Arnulf, 2013). Thus, based on

the above analysis, the hypothesis H1 is stated as follows:

Hypothesis H1: Entrepreneurial implemental mindsets will have a positive effect on

entrepreneurial implementation intentions.

The relationship between entrepreneurial perceived and entrepreneurial implemental


According to entrepreneurial mindsets theory (Mathisen & Arnulf , 2013), individuals will

think about calculating the desire and ability to fulfill that desire through action plans closer to the

goal orientation than to answer to ask how I got started. Implemental mindsets of individuals are

those who have the assertiveness of starting a business regardless of the limitations of available

resources. Therefore, the more they are aware of the opportunities for entrepreneurship and their

abilities, the more active they are and opposite. Thus, the hypothesis H2a, H3a is expressed as:

Hypothesis H2a: Entrepreneurial perceived feasibility will have a positive effect on

entrepreneurial Implemental mindsets.

Hypothesis H3a: Entrepreneurial perceived desirability will have a positive effect on

entrepreneurial Implemental mindsets.

The relationship between entrepreneurial perceived and entrepreneurial implementation


Gollwitzer (1993) argues that the perceived stage is the motivational stage for starting a

business. An individual with motivation will form a goal intention or implementation intentions.

The power of implementation intentions in linking Gollwitzer’s first perceived, goal and behavioral

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