Hội thảo Khoa học Quốc tế
and other empirical research. The research by M Brännback & Carsrud, Elfving (2006), focuses
on entrepreneurship primarily on perceptions of entrepreneurial opportunities and perceptions of
entrepreneurship. In the study of (Schlaegel & Koenig, 2014), the combination of two TPB models
(Ajzen, 1991) and EEM (Krueger et al., 2000). Thus, the hypothesis H2b, H2b is expressed as:
Hypothesis H2b: Entrepreneurial perceived feasibility will have a positive effect on
entrepreneurial implementation intentions.
Hypothesis H3b: Entrepreneurial perceived desirability will have a positive effect on
entrepreneurial implementation intentions.
Synthesis of these hypotheses, proposed research model:
Figure 1: Proposed research model
3.1. Data research
Research using direct interview data through a questionnaire with 7-level liker scale (from 1:
totally disagree to 7: fully agree).
Sampling research
This research uses direct interview technique with questionnaires with final year students in Ho
Chi Minh City, Binh Duong province, Dong Nai province and Ba Ria Vung Tau province. Interview
time from April 4-7/2017.
The convenience sampling is selected with the ratio of 5: 1 (Nguyen Dinh Tho, 2011). Models
have (21 variable observations + 02 control variables) * 5 = 115. Issued 3000 receipts to 2637
votes. Of those, 496 answered and have started, of which 58 have the same number of blank
answers as 10% of the total or the same number of question marks. The remaining 438 are included
in the main study.
Measurable of concepts
The measurable is adjusted and developed based on the baseline scales of previous studies and
adjusted after qualitative research. All scales in the research model are multivariate scales. These
scales use a 7-step likert. The model has 4 research concepts with 21 variables of observation and
02 variables (gender and student’s academic year) are presented in Table 2.