Chú thích
[1]. Trích d
ẫn bởi Clinton Miller. House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce,
Hearings on H.R. 10541, 87th Cong., 2nd secs., May 1962, p. 86.
[2]. Ethyl Douglas Hume, Bechamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology
(Essex, England: C. W. Daniel Company Limited, 1947), pp. 196-198.
[3]. Cùng ngu
ồn trên., p. 198.
[4]. J. 1. Rodale, “Rabies, Fact or Fancy”, Prevention, August 1956, p. 52.
[5]. Cùng ngu
ồn trên., pp. 52-53.
[6]. Millicent Morden, radio address, WWRL, January 1947. (T
ừ một tài liệu được phát bởi
Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, CA.)
[7]. Robert Mendelsohn, The Risks of Immunizations and How to Avoid Them (Evanston, IL:
The People's Doctor Newsletter, Inc., 1988), p. 92.
[8]. The Fraud of Rabies, t
ổng hợp các phát biểu của các bác sĩ Y khoa, bác sĩ thú y, và các
ủ cũi được phân phát bởi the California Animal Defense and Anti-Vivisection League, Inc.
(booklet, n.d.).
[9]. “The Vitamin and Massage Treatment for Acute Poliomyelitis”, Southern Medicine and
Surgery, August 1952, pp. 194-
197, được trích dẫn bởi Marilyn Garvan, “Mandatory Rabies
Shots Protested”, National Health Federation Bulletin, 1974, p. 22.
[10]. Cùng ngu
ồn trên.
[11]. Rodale, “Rabies”, pp. 50-51.
[12]. The Fraud of Rabies.
[13]. Cùng ngu
ồn trên.
[14]. Hume, Bechamp or Pasteur?, p. 200.
[15]. George Ritchie, “The Ego and the Holy Spirit” (lecture at Association for Research and
Enlightenment, Virginia Beach, December 30, 1978).
[16]. Rene Dubos, “Second Thoughts on the Germ Theory”, Scientific American, May 1955,
pp. 34-35.
[17]. Royal Lee, “It Can Happen Here”, Nature's Path, April 1951.
[18]. James Fuller and Peta Fuller, “The Other Side of the Wonder Drugs”, American
Mercury, Lee Foundation Reprint #46 (n.d.).