Chú thích
[1]. Được trích dẫn bởi Gina Cerminara trong “Two Courses in General Semantics-Beginners
and Advanced”, Virginia Beach, May 1-August 28, 1975.
[2]. Alfred Korzybski, Science and Sanity (International Non-Aristotelian Library Publishing
Co., được phân phát bởi Institute of General Semantics, Lakeville, CT, 1984).
[3]. Sir William Osler, “Introduction” to The Life of Pasteur, Rene Vallery-Radot,
được trích
ẫn bởi J. I. Rodale, “Bechamp or Pasteur?” Prevention, August 1956, p. 71.
[4]. Marcia Dunn, “Nation Marks 30th Year Free from Specter of Polio”,
VirginianPilot/EXTRA, April 17, 1985, p. 2.
[5]. Maureen Salaman, Nutrition: The Cancer Answer (Menlo Park, CA: Statford, 1984), p.
10; Robert S. Mendelsohn, Confessions of a Medical Heretic (Chicago, IL: Contemporary
Books, 1979), p. 36.
[6]. “Doctors and Dollars”, Health Quarterly, WHRO-TV, January 5, 1993.
[7]. Patricia Namen báo cáo trên Morning Edition, WHRV-FM, January 11, 1993.
[8]. Morton Walker, “Chinese Seafood Eases Arthritis”, Natural Health, March-April 1993.
[9]. Morning Edition, WHRV-FM, February 23, 1994.
[10]. Virginian-Pilot, January 18, 1988, p. AT
[11]. Cancer Research Foundation of America, Alexandria, VA, September 1993; ngoài ra
Peter Barry Chowka, “Cancer 1988”, East West Journal, December 1987. Chowka
đưa ra
con s
ố trên một nửa triệu người. Do bệnh ung thư đã gia tăng, con số hiện nay chắc chắn đã
ớn hơn nửa triệu nhiều.
[12]. Christopher J. Hegarty, “Eating the ‘Wright’ Way”, Health Consciousness, October
[13]. Harvey Diamond and Marilyn Diamond, Living Health (New York: Warner Books,
1987), p. 409.
[14]. Max Ricketts, “Neurotoxicity: A Threat to Survival”, Health Freedom News, October
1990, p. 30.
[15]. Virginian-Pilot.
[16]. Chowka, “Cancer 1988”, p. 47.
[17]. Deepak Chopra, “Quantum Healing” (bài nói chuy
ện tại Visions of the Future
Conference, Seattle, May 18, 1991).