Parent’s roles in educating children

In life, there are a number of sources that contribute to one’s

education and growth, including: parents, teachers, friends, television,

books and movies. Each source is essential to human development in

some ways. In my opinion, parents are the best and most important

teachers for a number of reasons.

Firstly, parents are the first teachers that each infidel encounters.

Even before the babies are born, they can feel and listen to mum and

dad talking and singing. After birth, parents teach their babies by

sweet songs, by passionate lullabies and beautiful poems. Parents

also introduce children to the world around them. Parents help them

interact with beautiful, lovely natural scenes. Scientists have proved

that children’s brain and thinking grow rapidly between the age of one

to five, which is called the preoperational stage according to Piaget’s

cognitive development theory – the period spent almost exclusively

with two beautiful angels: Mum and Dad.

Secondly, parents do not only teach children to read, write and talk,

but also teach children about how to correctly behave. Infants, of

course, do not know anything about other people. Parents instruct

them how to be polite, how to show respect, how to handle emotions,

whom to trust on, whom not to trust on. Parents also teach children

ethics and remind them to be honest, truthful, dedicate, forgiving to

other’s fault, being generous and kind to poor, disability people. In the

other word, they help the children to thrive and survive in society.

Third, and most important, parents teach their infants by example.

Because children spend a huge amount of time with their parents

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