when they are young, they learn by observation and imitation. This

can be both positive and negative. By observing their parents and

relative’s actions, they can learn a lot of new things, a lot of good

behaviors. However, not all adult activities are good to observe. There

are also some very bad one such as violence, drinking, and smoking.

Children can learn these harmful behaviors if their parents exhibit

such actions. Children, therefore learn what they live. If their parents

are selfish, they will be selfish. If the parents are generous, their

children will be generous too.

The final aspect is longevity of relationship. Since acts as teachers

for 18 or more years before the child leave home and live

independently, they have a much stronger impact than a school

teacher whom students may know for as little as one year. Indeed,

even after graduating from university, children still need the advices of

their parents to struggle for life.

Even thought there are number of sources that contribute to

children’s education, the lessons and examples from their parents are

still the best, the most resistant one. Parents have not only

educational impacts but also ethical impact on infants. For these

reasons, I think that parents are the ever best, most important teacher

in a person’s life.

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