The concept of a home
Home, for someone, is simple as a house, but for someone else, is
more than a house, and sometimes it is not a house. Each life has a
different thinking about the definition of “Home”.
“Where one lives or a residence” (Dictionary of the English
Language, 2009). According to this definition, people may have two or
more homes. When you go to work, spending eight hours in the office,
may be more twelve hours in there, your office becomes a second
home. You work there, you relax there, you have dinner, and you chat
to your friends at your desk in your office. Sometimes, for some
people, they even sleep there because of security situation. In the fact
that home sometimes just “a place where you are comfortable and
pleasure” (Collins English Dictionary, 2003). For example, street
children have no house to come back, but they do have home. Their
home may be under the bridges, on the boats along the channels, or
in slums nearly a dump field. That are not a house, just a place that
they feel comfortable to sleep, to retire after a hard working day and to
For some people, home is a thing that you can not replace and you
always look forward. Home is a family. There are your parents,
brothers, sisters, relatives, dogs, fishes, etc. Everything that you feel
so familiar with. Especially, they will be the first people whom you
want to share your feeling, your emotion about your job, life or you are
the first person that they choose to share these things with. Home will
help you to get back the balance in your life between love and money.
In there, everyone will be available beside you to protect, support and