thì phải tìm cách hạ giá thành của nhiều sản phẩm hiện có, đồng thời tránh
đầu tư quá mức vào các ngành đòi hỏi bảo hộ cao.

(Saigon Times Daily ngày 24-3-2003)

50. Technology Policy for Growth

Technology is a way to do things. It is often thought of as being

embodied in a piece of machinery, but can also be more subtle - such as
"just in time" inventory, or better ways to organize agriculture. Machinery-
based technology is often called "hard", while technology based on better
management or systems is called "soft." Quite a lot of growth can come
from technology, as it allows each unit of capital and labor to be more
productive. Constant upgrading of technology is increasingly necessary for
industrial competitiveness and export growth.

Technology is usually not free. It is costly to acquire, even if it is just a

matter of selecting the best type. How does a nation of government create
conditions so that firms want to and are able to select, adapt or even create
productive technology? There are a few things one can do. First, develop a
high quality educational system that provides large numbers of educated
workers. Second, allow firms to compete using technology. Third, improve
law and enforcement so that intellectual property is safe. (This helps to
attract hi-tech foreign direct investment and also encourage local R&D.)
Fourth, improve Internet speed and cost so that Vietnamese firms can easily
find out about foreign technology. Fifth, help local business associations act
on behalf of their members and conduct surveys of best-practice
technology. In the future, further steps such as joint government-private
funding of crucial R&D projects or specialized financing for hi-tech firms
will also become important.

Note that only competitive firms tend to upgrade their technology.

Monopolies might buy the "best" equipment, but then have little incentive

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