make a country more attractive to business. Second, lower taxes reduce the
efficiency loss associated with taxation. Finally, tax competition drives
governments out of monopolies and forces them to become more efficient.

However, many claim that tax competition is harmful. First, it can distort

investment decisions. Labor and capital may migrate to countries with low
taxes, but these areas do not necessarily have the highest productivity.
Second, highly progressive tax can no longer be applied because businesses
and high-income individuals can move to low-tax jurisdictions. Thus
competition reduces the redistributive effect of taxation.

Moreover, the induced lower tax revenue does not necessarily lead to

efficient government spending. This is dangerous for poor countries who
need to invest to solve infrastructure bottlenecks. The lower a government's
tax revenues, the more debt it must assume. High sovereign debt deters
investors, and places an onerous burden on future generations.

In short, countries should compete by fostering a favorable business

environment in which taxation is just one factor, in order to attract skilled
people and value added businesses. Also, governments should avoid being
dragged into a "race to the bottom" by slashing revenue and running up


Một cách để thu hút doanh nghiệp là giảm thuế, đặc biệt là thuế thu

nhập. Xu hướng cạnh tranh thuế quốc tế đang tăng lên do tính lưu động
ngày càng cao của vốn và lao động. Có nhiều ý kiến ủng hộ cũng như chỉ
trích xu hướng này.

Phe ủng hộ giảm thuế thường lấy Ireland làm ví dụ. Quốc gia 3,8 triệu

dân này có thuế thu nhập công ty chỉ 10% và trong vài năm qua nhận được
đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài nhiều hơn cả Nhật hay Ý. Thu nhập bình quân

Liên Kết Chia Sẽ

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