nào để lượng hóa chúng và có thể diễn tả bằng một hàm sản xuất như lao
động và vốn vật chất như lý thuyết phát triển tân cổ điển là một nỗ lực
thách thức rất lớn của các nhà kinh tế. Họ thống nhất với nhau định nghĩa
tổng quát về vốn xã hội, tuy nhiên nhiều chỉ số đo lường cụ thể vẫn còn
trong tranh luận.

(Saigon Times Daily ngày 2710-2003)

97. The 6P's of Marketing Provinces

Marketers often refer to the "Four P's." The first "P" is for product, what

they sell to customers. The second "P" is for price, how much they charge
for their products. The third "P" - promotion - includes measures to attract
customers. The last "P" - place - refers to where the products are located.

Place marketers have four objectives: attracting talent, attracting

investment, attracting tourists, and selling products to other localities,
nationally and internationally. The first two objectives require two
additional "P's."

The fifth "P" is for people. When buying a product, such as a pack of

cigarettes or a computer, customers do not think much about the people
who produced the product. But when investors make a decision to invest in
a province, they carefully evaluate the people who live there. Investors
want to know ư there are enough skilled workers, managers, and engineers
to staff their businesses. They also want to determine whether the
government officials in the province will be helpful to them. Finally, when
deciding to move to a province, talented people will want to know if they
are going to work and live with people they like.

The sixth "P" is for profitability. A province can have excellent

infrastructure, an ideal location, very deep discounts on rent and taxes, a
low cost of labor, and a business friendly government. But if few firms, if

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