Teachings From Ancient Vietnamese Zen Masters – 100
43 Leaving the World
Oh monks! The ancient masters said, “Keep seeing that the five
aggregates are emptiness, the four elements are non-self. Keep seeing
that the true mind has no form, neither going nor coming. Keep seeing
that the self-nature did not come when you were born, will not go when
you die. Keep seeing that the true mind is always serene and all-
embracing, and that your mind and all scenes are one.”
Seeing that constantly, you will soon attain enlightenment, gain
freedom from the three periods, and become those who leave this
world. It is important to you not to cling to anything.
THONG THIEN (? – 1228)
(COMMENT: Keep seeing that constantly. Many ancient Zen masters in
Vietnam asked the practitioners to do like that. It’s very hard to practice
that way; however, after you have the first glimpse of that insight, you
will keep seeing like that comfortably, and will enjoy the world
Buddha once held up a flower before the monks. All the monks were
silent, awaiting his word; except one, only Mahakasyapa smiled. Then
Buddha said that he just gave the true dharma transmission to
Mahakasyapa. That was the beginning of Zen tradition.
Why? Because the other monks saw the flower as flower, as something
that the Buddha held up, as something was seen by them? Because
only Mahakasyapa saw the flower as flower, as something that the
Buddha held up, as something was seen by him, and as something his
mind manifesting? Because Mahakasyapa became one with the flower?
Watch your mind. Don’t say a word.)