Teachings From Ancient Vietnamese Zen Masters – 102
44 Illusions
All things in this world of illusion are all illusions.
Meditating in this world of illusion is all illusion.
Don’t cling to both kinds of illusions; thus you destroy all illusions.
HIEN QUANG (? – 1221)
(COMMENT: Everything is like a dream, a mirage, an echo, an illusion.
Buddha said so. Then why do we have to meditate? Because we have
to wake up from this dream. We should not stay longer in this suffering
world. We have to cross the samsara river to reach the nirvana shore.
Meditation is like crossing the river; however, if we think meditation is
something ultimately real, then we still get stuck in the dream.
So, meditate like an ox, made out of mud, crossing a river. The more
you meditate, the faster the ox vanishes. See that for yourself.)