H th ng ti t ni u
Remember cystic disease as
Cystic renal dysplasia.
Autosomal dominant polycystic
kidney disease (ADPKD).
Autosomal recessive polycystic
kidney disease (ARPKD).
Cystic diseases of the
Renal medulla.
B nh nang t y th n
B nh nang t y th n tu i thanh
thi u niên.
B nh nang m c ph i: thư ng là
do ch y th n.
X p t y th n.
U nang đơn gi n.
What is ADPKD?
This is a dominantly inherited polycystic
disease found in adults.
Mutations in the genes encoding a membrane
protein called polycystin result in this condition.
Two genes code for this protein:
PKD1 on chromosome 16 (encodes polycystin 1).
PKD2 on chromosome 4 (encodes polycystin 2).
Signs and symptoms
Pain (due to renal cyst haemorrhage).
Palpable bilateral flank masses.
Bloods: FBC, U&Es, calcium and phosphate, PTH.
Urinalysis and culture.
Imaging: ultrasound scan is diagnostic.
Genetic screening and monitoring of blood
Đi u tr
B o t n: h tr b nh nhân.
Đi u tr thu c:
Đi u tr tăng huy t áp.
Đi u tr kháng sinh cho nhi m trùng
đư ng ti t ni u.
Ph u thu t: Gi m áp nang.
Bi n ch ng
Phát tri n thành t n thương th n m n tính.
Nang gan.
Ch ng phình m ch.
Sa van hai lá.
Túi phình m ch v gây xu t huy t dư i
màng nh n.
What is ARPKD?
This is a recessively inherited polycystic disease
found in children presenting with varying levels of
kidney and liver disease.
PKHD1 on chromosome 6.
Signs and symptoms
Those of chronic kidney injury.
Chronic respiratory infections.
Those of portal hypertension: ascites, caput
medusae and oesophageal varices.
Failure to thrive.
Recurrent UTI.
Antenatal screening is diagnostic.
Bloods: FBC, U&Es, LFTs.
Urinalysis and culture.
Imaging: ultrasound scan (shows enlarged
kidney with or without oligohydramnios),
CT scan, MRI scan.
Đi u tr
B o t n: H tr cha m và b nh nhân
Đi u tr thu c:
Thông khí và nghi m pháp oxy dài h n.
Đi u tr tăng huy t áp (thu c c ch men
chuy n angiotensin).
Dùng kháng sinh cho nhi m khu n ti t ni u.
Dùng l i ti u n u quá t i d ch.
Ph u thu t:
C t th n.
Ghép gan th n đ ng th i.
Bi n ch ng
Nang gan
Xơ gan b m sinh .
Tăng sinh ng m t.
MAP 4.6
Cystic Disease
Map 4.6 B nh nang th n
Chapter_04.indd 67
08/12/14 5:56 PM