31 000 USD, người mua trả thêm 3-000 USD, nhà xe chịu giảm doanh thu
3-000 USD, và khoản thuế 6.000 USD này chuyển vào ngân sách nhà nước.
Thời gian sẽ cho thấy quan hệ cung và cầu tác động như thế nào lên việc
phân chia gánh nặng thuế trong trường hợp này.

(Saigon Times Daily ngày 22-12-2003)

29. Economic of gifts

Have you ever received a gift that you would have never bought with

your own money and you have almost no demand? Or perhaps you have
received a gift of something you like, but you already received several, so
an additional one does little to increase your satisfaction. Such a
circumstance is especially common during year-end holidays, such as
X'mas or Tet.

People give gifts for various reasons. It can be a demonstration of

friendship, love, family ties and status or for reciprocal favors. Parents
value their kids' pleasure of receiving gifts from Santa Claus more than the
prices they paid on those gifts. On New Year's Eve, bosses raise their
statuses by giving red envelops to the inferiors who in turn are happier to
serve the bosses. These instances bring benefits to both givers and receivers
which, in economic terms, is expressed as an increase in utility for both

Yet, more often than not, gifts turn out to be unwanted by the receivers

because they are unsuitable or redundant. Some givers try to guess what
receivers like and buy the gift accordingly. Others will just go ahead and
buy common-gifts, say a Buche de Noel or boxes of Chinese sausage and
deliver it. Guess tends to be wrong and common-gifts are plentiful to the
receivers. No wonder gifts are changing hands more frequently over the
holidays. Do not be surprised if you happen to receive from a friend the
very bottle of whisky that you previously gave to another friend! Let alone

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